"I just have no words to describe what I went through when I woke up from the anaesthetic [after the abortion]. I cry as I write this. I wanted to slice myself up, to get a gun and blow my head off."
"I was in shock for two weeks after the abortion. I didn't talk about it and carried on life as normally as I could. But the veil of denial lifted and I sobbed uncontrollably for days...For five years after, I continued to have periods of sobbing that lasted hours."
"On returning home from the hospital [after the abortion], I could not stop crying. For three days I felt if I killed myself I could catch up with my baby and have it back."
So speak many women after their abortions. These and other mothers suffer deep and long-lasting regret from ending the lives of their babies. In this Easter season, however, there is hope. Consider this woman's testimony.
"When I was so ill with depression and guilt [after my abortion] I was continually confronted with one particular scripture: 'And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.' (Romans 8:28) I had a difficult time believing that this colud apply to something as destructive and devastating as my abortion. After all, my baby had died and I was completely shattered, unable to function in a normal manner...[Eventually] God began to patiently show me how this scripture could be fulfilled in my life. First, I began to recognize that the pain I was experiencing had given me insights on suffering, sin, and forgiveness. It also gave me a great desire to live in obedience to God; in fact, my depression was the catalyst for both myself and my husband to come to know the Lord...I do not want to be misunderstood. I am not thankful I had an abortion. But I am extremely grateful that God has used such a tragedy to bring me to Him and to teach me. I am very grateful that He has used this to ultimately make me a stronger person..."
In this Easter season, let us remember that God turned the unjust and cruel death of Christ into a glorious resurrection three days later. He can also relieve and reverse the sorrow of abortion. God turned the pain and death of Good Friday into the everlasting joy of Easter Sunday. God invites all women who suffer from grief from their abortions into his forgiveness and healing. Turn to him for healing, hope, and wholeness.
Rudy Poglitsh
more letters at http://letterstotheTOS.blogspot.com