Thank you, Mr. Editor, for passing along Planned Parenthood's response to the bogus sex trafficking ring. Indeed the sex trafficking ring was a hoax; it would be wonderful if all sex trafficking rings were false. This does not, however, change the fact that Planned Parenthood nurse Amy Woodruff took the actors posing as pimp and prostitute seriously. Woodruff advised them on how to access abortions and contraception for teenage prostitutes, and on how post-abortive prostitutes could continue to encourage the sex business. Ms. Woodruff would have done very well to refuse any sort of conversation with the actors, and called the police right away. Instead, she gave advice to assist their evil activity.
After initially hinting the video was a hoax, Planned Parenthood fired Ms. Woodruff and released the following statement: "We were profoundly shocked when we viewed the videotape this morning, which depicted an employee of one of our health centers behaving in a repugnant manner that is inconsistent with our standards of care and is completely unacceptable". Planned Parenthood confirmed the video was credible by firing the employee who was at the centre of the controversy and publicly acknowledging the seriousness of what took place. This firing and the Planned Parenthood statement were not hoaxes.
Sadly, this is not the first time Planned Parenhood abortion clinics have been found facilitating the exploitation of women and children. Over a dozen similar undercover operations have found Planned Parenthood employees willing to take donations expressly for aborting black children, helping girls avoid laws mandating that their parents be told about an abortion, and giving false medical information in order to encourage women to choose abortion. Visit www.liveaction.org to hear and view these taped encounters.
The point is this: an inherently evil and destructive act (abortion) will naturally breed other evil acts. May Swaziland never tread the road of abortion, a road which leads to myriad other abuses of women and children. No to abortion; yes to life.
Rudy Poglitsh
more letters at http://letterstotheTOS.blogspot.com