In early February the pro-life group released an undercover video recorded at a Planned Parenthood clinic in New Jersey, USA. In it, a man pretending to be a pimp (someone who owns prostitutes) gets advice from Planned Parenthood nurse Amy Woodruff about obtaining contraceptives and abortions for the teenage prostitutes he pretended to own. If one of these teenage girls needs an abortion, the nurse suggests taking the prostitute to another facility because "their protocols aren't as strict as ours and they don't get audited the same way that we do". The clinic worker suggests the pimp say his prostitutes are students, so that they can receive contraceptives at a lower price: "If they're minors, put down that they are students-we want to make it look as legit (legal) as possible", said Woodruff. A pretend prostitute who came along with the pretend pimp asked how long after the abortion prostitutes could start sex acts for money. Woodruff said "minimum of two weeks". A further question was, what acts could a prostitute perform during that waiting period. Woodruff replied "Waist up, or just be that extra action walking by"-by which she meant be a living, breathing advertisement for sex with strangers in exchange for money.
The entire video is available at
As this episode shows, sexual sin and the shedding of blood go together. God declared this principle through Ezekiel, the Old Testament prophet, in chapter 23 verse 37 of Ezekiel's book: "For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands".
No decent society wishes its daughters to be exploited, abused, and killed in this way; yet this is precisely the exploitation, abuse, and killing legalized abortion brings. The solution? Men stay faithful to their wives and be the protectors of their daughters. For the unmarried, no sex before marriage, sex only with one's spouse after marriage. A life of faithfulness will build strong marriages and families and avoid the shedding of innocent blood. Yes to faithfulness, yes to love, yes to life.
Rudy Poglitsh
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