Saturday, June 4, 2011

Two Birds with One Stone

Surveys consistently report ( that couples who saved sex until marriage and remain faithful within marriage enjoy the highest levels of sexual satisfaction. Remember that saving sex until marriage and sexual fidelity within marriage would slash the HIV rate almost to zero.

We have before us a two-fold golden opportunity. For those men and women who do not care if they early; who do not care if they leave widows, widowers, and orphans; who do not care if the bogogo have to rear larger and larger numbers of orphans at a time of shrinking financial resources; for those men and women who care only about good sex, there is an answer: save sex for marriage, get married, and keep sex between you and your spouse only, because couples who do that have the best sex. If this plan were followed, sexual (and marital) satisfaction would skyrocket, and the AIDS rate would plummet. Maybe this should be the next anti-AIDS approach: "Want good sex and plenty of it? Save it for marriage only". Everyone would benefit.

Rudy Poglitsh
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