Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pass Along the Good Favour

Most of the time, people debate abortion as they would debate other issues, like international politics or national policies or the motivations behind historical events. But abortion is something very different than these other issues because at one point, each of us was at the very centre of the debate. During the 9 months each of us spent in our mother's womb, only the goodwill of our mother and the force of law (depending on where we were living) protected us. Some countries have completely demolished that legal protection. In those places, it is up to the mother to make sure her child sees the light of day.

Bear in mind that YOUR mother made sure that your life was protected. Now that you are "on the outside", pass along the good favour your mother showed you: speak up for the little people by defending the unborn child's right to life. One good turn deserves another. No to abortion; yes to life.

Rudy Poglitsh
more letters at