I teach high school biology and recently our class discussed conservation. Conservation means protecting the natural resources (air, water, soil) of the nation, so that the country remains healthy and strong.
It strikes me, however, that the greatest resource of any nation is its people. A nation consists of its people; if the people vanish, so does the nation. Furthermore, the health and vitality of a country depends primarily on its citizens, not its natural resources. Countries like Singapore (4% the size of Swaziland) have no natural resources, yet their people make such countries vibrantly successful.
A grave threat faces Swaziland's citizenry-AIDS. Yet the Swazi nation can protect her most precious natural resource by saving sex for marriage only. Keeping sex exclusively in marriage will make AIDS a distant, painful memory, will increase marital satisfaction, and will provide a healthy environment for raising the next generation of children.
For the preservation of Swaziland's greatest natural resource-her people-may the nation save sex for marriage, and keep it there. Doing so will prosper the nation.
Rudy Poglitsh
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